School Groups
The museum's educational activities are tailored to the wants and needs of different age groups, using a variety of teaching methods. Conventional guided tours, storytelling, worksheets, museum workshops and games are used to familiarise young visitors with the new learning content related to the heritage presented at the museum and in the field. This allows students to experience the heritage as a whole and as an integral part of the living environment they will be shaping themselves in the future.
The museum's educational programme includes guided tours of the Museum and the France Mihelič Gallery, visits to a number of cultural monuments (the Škofja Loka Old Town, Crngrob, Visoko), museum lessons with worksheets and museum workshops.
The educational programme complements the learning content taught in various school subjects, including Slovenian, early natural and social sciences, arts education, visual arts, design and technology, home economics etc.
For more information and advance arrangements, contact our Education Curator Simona Žvanut:
Telephonme: +386 (0)4 517 04 04